Shaping and defining the problem

Dear Classmates,

My formatting is appearing very weirdly. I apologize for the inconvenience.



  1. It is so interesting how health disparities can limit the improvement of the overall health due to the extra costs. I always knew that health disparities affected the specific group, but I never realized what a large impact it has. Thank you for sharing your personal experience with health inequity. I think that people's personal testimony really show how real the issue is and how much it truly affects people. You brought up some excellent points about inequity towards college students. I did not realize how much we are discriminated in. I know that we are labeled as "bad drivers" and therefore our car insurance is through the roof. I know that even in my job back home where I am the only college student surrounded by older adults I am discriminated for being younger. People believe that all I do is drink and party, which is false, but that is the label that we are given. Great post!


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