
Hello all,

I choose the topic of Disparities and Inquestilites. This topic is important to me because there is not only inequality in health, but education and life too. It is important to learn what those are in order to properly impact, assist, and assess the behaviors of the target communities I plan to impact. I look forward to sharing my discoveries with you all, while the information is still free. (:

Dorshe' Jackson


  1. Hello Dorshe',
    This is a great topic because or health directly affects our lives and for those without the proper care when it is needed are at a disadvantage to be healthy. I really want to learn something new with this topic because I have heard about it but it seems most of the time we only acknowledge that there are disparities and inequalities but we aren't doing anything to help fix it.
    Great topic choice

  2. I liked how you added, "while it is still free" cause seriously. The government will probably take away all this information to make it seem like we are all equal when it comes to health care and education. I am interested in reading about the inequalities in health, education, and life. Really puts s perspective at how our country hasn't made many changes when it comes to equality. I don't know much about this topic like Morgan said so excited to see the posts. :)

  3. Hello Dorshe,
    This is an interesting topic for sure! I am glad you chose this topic because I do not know much about it. "While it is still free" caught me eye though because it is so true. The government can do anything unfortunately.. I am interested in reading about this topic in regards to health, education and life. Excited to read more of your posts, good job!

  4. Hi Dorshe'! I am really looking forward at reading the other posts about this topic because I can tell that you seem very passionate about addressing this issue. I agree with you 100% that there is inequality in education and life. Personally, I feel that the issue of inequality in all aspects are pushed to the back burner even though it's a huge issue that needs to be paid attention to more.


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